Spore Roleplayers Wiki

Solstice is Equin's mortal enemy, and Sun's father. Solstice manipulated Cloudy, which made Equin hate him. Later on, Solstice killed Equin. Solstice eventually became good friends with Shred. Sometime after this, Solstice killed Cloudy to irritate Equin's daughter, Storm . However, Storm and Sun teamed up against Shred and Solstice, rather angry about Solstice bringing Cloudy back as just a zombie. Storm and Sun worked together and killed Solstice, while Shred fled. So now Shred's best buddy is dead.

Family Tree

                          ???           ???
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                               |     |
                   Torn      Soliza ???       ???
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                      ---------       ---------
                          |               |
                        Shred           Slyuk   Suukel                                Prufido  Toxage
                                          |       |                                      |      |
                                           -------                                        ------ 
                                              |                                              |
                             Solstice       Cloudy                                         Equin                           Cyridmor         Chiniada
                                |             |                                              |                                 |                |
                                 ------------- ----------------------------------------------                                   ----------------
                                      |                                                |                                              |
                     Litaegis        Sun         Arater    Clarus   Thief            Storm                                           Rad
                         |            |             |        |        |                |                                              |
                          ------------               --------          ---------------- ----------------------------------------------
                                |                        |                     |                                |
                        ----------------                 |                -----------          -------------------------------------------
                       |         |      |                |               |           |        |       |         |           |             |
                 Gravinixira  Aestus  Aridi          FilthyMane       Sparkle      Chull   Kartul  Pasukan   Valesade   Nerchordis    Splartrix
                                                         |               |